Quantitative Phase Imaging by Phi Optics to Solve Phototoxicity in Biomedical Research

Join Dr. Gabriel Popescu to discover how Quantitative Phase Imaging measures sample dry mass, refractive index, and optical path length without fluorescent labels to biological analysis without the phototoxicity inherent to traditional methods like fluorescence microscopy. Learn about the math and physics behind Phi Optics’ CellVista-SLIM and CellVista-GLIM before discovering the technology’s applications in cell population growth, neuronal network analysis, time-lapse imaging, and 4D imaging for specimens up to 500 microns thick. Finally, see how images from Phi Optics’ products provide superior information density for digital staining and AI applications.

We can produce live demonstrations for this topic, either with in-house samples or delivered samples.

Products / Applications:

CellVista-SLIM, CellVista-GLIM, CellVista-AI, optically thick specimens, Embryo/ART/IVF, Organoids, Model micro-organisms, digital pathology, neuroscience, 2D cell assays

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